Friday, July 20, 2012

Big Day!

Two days ago in the morning my grandparents came to pick me and my sister and brothers up.  We drove up to the Amarican Girl Doll Shop and droped off my grandmother and my sister, and then we went to a coin and baseball store where we bought 9 presedental dollars and a rare signed baseball!  The presedents were, Jhon Adams, William Henry Harison, Jhon Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Jhon Quincy Adams, and Martin Van Buren.  The baseball was signed by a famous pitcher named, uh, named, (sigh) well I don't know :-) he he.  The coins were all in unc. proof cases but J. Adams was not a proof coin.  After, we went to go have lunch at the Harvard Club of New York!  It was Great.  I had pop-overs with butter for an appetizer, a piece of steak and fries for my meal, and apple pie for dessert.  Then we went to the reading room and saw an elephant that Teddy Roosevelt shot.  After that we went home in a van and played at home for the rest of the day!                        P.S. The Jhon Adams coin was way overpriced :-(.


1 comment:

  1. Adams may not have been overpriced, but I'm pretty sure Tyler was. How can his coin be the same price as Polk, who was responsible for a huge land grab?
